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       XXIX Annual Congress of the Iranian Society of Ophthalmology        بـیــست و نهمین کنــگــره سـالیـانه انـجـمـن چـشـم پـزشـکی ایـــران
مقاله Abstract

Title: Crystalin Lens
Author(s): mehrdadboroon
Presentation Type: Poster
Subject: Cornea and Anterior Segment
Presenting Author:
Name: Mehrdad Boroon
Affiliation :(optional) Original writer
E mail:
Phone: 06132275680
Mobile: 09160636693

The eye or eye of the prominent part is the first sensation of the five senses of sight. In the Pahlavi language, this term was used in the same way. The lens is a convex, flexible bezel, transparent and transparent, with a diameter of 9 mm and a thickness of 4 mm, which is between the alkaline fluid and the vitreous of the eye. It connects to the grooves between the eyelids by the zenoves. A number is located behind the pupil and it performs the matching and concentration of light on the retina.


The eye or eye of the prominent part is the first sensation of the five senses of sight. In the Pahlavi language, this term was used in the same way. Various kinds of light-sensitive organs are found in living organisms. The simplest types of eyes can only detect the presence of light in the surroundings, while more sophisticated eyes can recognize patterns and colors.


When studying, the lens with its curvature changes makes it possible to see the near objects well.


The lens (after the cornea) is the second strength of the eye. The lens is located behind the pupil and it performs alignment and concentration of light on the retina. When studying, the lens, with its curvature, makes it possible to see close objects well.


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