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       XXIX Annual Congress of the Iranian Society of Ophthalmology        بـیــست و نهمین کنــگــره سـالیـانه انـجـمـن چـشـم پـزشـکی ایـــران
مقاله Abstract

Title: Make a Comparison between the ocular perfusion pressure in patient with open angle glaucoma and the control group
Author(s): Saeed Shokoohi-Rad,Ghalom-Hosein Yaghubi.Abbas Hoseini-Rad
Presentation Type: Oral
Subject: Glaucoma
Presenting Author:
Name: Saeed Shokoohi -Rad
Affiliation :(optional) 1.Eye Research Center, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran.
E mail:
Phone: 05116011886
Mobile: 09153171658

Make a Comparison between the ocular perfusion pressure in patient with open angle glaucoma and the control group


The present study was a case-control study in the case group of patients with glaucoma diagnosed by an ophthalmologist. After selecting the case group and confirming the open angle glaucoma in patients with gonioscopy, intraocular pressure control was measured by non-contact tonometry and blood pressure by means of the keeler pressure gauge in both groups and the peripheral pressure was calculated.Ocular perfusion pressure calculated by this formula: OPP= 2⁄3 [ DBP+ 1⁄3 (SBP-DBP)]-IOP


We observed that 54 cases (46.6%) were male and 53.4% were female. The average and standard deviation of the patients' age was also 55.85 ± 14.88 years, which was similar in both groups. We found that the mean and standard deviation of left ventricular perfusion pressure in the case group was 49.4 ± 9.6 mmHg and in the control group it was equal to 45.5 ± 8.5 mmHg. We also observed in our assessment of the right eye that the rate in the case group was 49.4 ± 7.4 mmHg and in the control group it was 8.9 ± 45.7 mmHg.


As ocular perfusion pressure at formula dependent to intraocular pressure and blood pressure.In this study ocular perfusion pressure in primary open angle glaucoma patients higher than normal persons. So according to results of this study this fomula probably is not applicable about actual ocular perfusion condition.


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