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       XXIX Annual Congress of the Iranian Society of Ophthalmology        بـیــست و نهمین کنــگــره سـالیـانه انـجـمـن چـشـم پـزشـکی ایـــران
مقاله Abstract

Title: Quantifying Microvascular and Structural Optic Nerve Head Changes in Active Thyroid-Associated Ophthalmopathy
Author(s): Ali Akbar Saber Moghaddam MD; Hamid Jafarzadeh MD; Mojtaba Abrishami MD
Presentation Type: Oral
Subject: Posterior Segment
Presenting Author:
Name: Mojtaba Abrishami
Affiliation :(optional) Eye Research Center, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran
E mail:
Phone: 05138433192
Mobile: 09129377278

To compare quantitative optical coherent tomography angiography (OCTA) parameters of optic nerve head (ONH) microvascular and optical coherent tomography (OCT) peripapillary retinal and nerve fiber layer thickness in thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy(TAO) eyes and with the healthy control eyes.


In a cross-sectional observational study on patients with TAO and age and sex matched normal subjects, enface 3x3 OCTA images of the macula and OCT of the retina and choroid were obtained using the Optovue RTVue XR Avanti. Vascular density of the peripapillary radial capillaries (PRC), retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL), ganglion cell complex (GCC), and optic disc parameters in OCT were recorded. Clinical activity score (CAS) of orbitopathy was calculated and relation with imaging parameters were evaluated.


Thirty one cases (eighteen female), with mean age of 37.8 years, and matched controls were included. In patients with TAO, RPC density, either whole image or in the disc, even all vessels or small vessels; GCC analysis; were not different with the normal.


: Peripapillary radial capillaries evaluation in OCTA and RNFL and other parameters evaluated in peripapillary area by OCT suggest that active TAO patients were not different from normal cases.


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